Proposed Projects
Buddha Statue With The Seal of Abhaya
It is proposed to construct a 150 feet high Buddha statue with the Abhaya seal in front of the Nagadeepa Bo tree near the beach and arrangements have been made to commence work on the full moon day of Vesak. Those who wish to contribute to the construction of the Buddha statue can make such contributions through the details on the "Donation" page of this website and by contacting the Chief Incumbent of the temple.
The Rest House
Work on the newly constructed Pilgrimage Hall to cater to the pilgrims visiting Nagadeepa will also commence with the State Vesak Festival. You can also contribute to this.
On Going Projects
Piriniwan Manchaka
The 21 feet long Buddha Parinirvana Manchaka is currently under construction at the Nagadeepa Shrine as the new temple for the worship of the devotees.
1. Newly paintings and preventing the leakage of Vihara Mandiraya
2. Renovation work of Potgul Vihara Mandiraya
3. Modernization of toilet systems to facilitate the sanitary work of local and foreign pilgrims.
4. Modernization of drinking water project